Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quirky Proffesors, Cambridge nights, HP and some language

Hello lovely followers!

I am going to keep this post short, because I have to get ready for THE event of the summer. The Final HP release. My feelings are so mixed and complicated because while I am excited to see the movie, I am really dreading the moment when it's all over. I practically learned to read and dream with those books. Over half of my life has been devoted to them, and I truly feel that Harry and I have grown up together.

That being said, I cannot wait to see it. The anticipation is overwhelming. And I have my Luna Lovegood outfit ready to go, thanks to some ward-robing assistance from Travis and Sally. And I cannot wait, cannot WAIT (spoiler alert) to see Voldemort die! Good triumphs over evil. Finally.
"I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." -Sirius Black.
But now for some more about Cambridge. My classes are all going well (I, like most everyone else, am trapped underneath an umbrella of reading).Cut to plenary lecture:

Let me say one thing: I love the fact that I heard the former director of the UK's version of the CIA speak last night. I also loved that I found a few of the questions hilarious because we pre-lashed. And I particularly loved that we finished the evening in proper Cambridge fashion with free wine!

But the talk was fantastic, he covered just about everything from life in a post 9/11 world to the Democratic awakenings currently occuring in the Middle East and Africa. He also talked about the Cyber World and it's effects on Terrorism. It was truly fascinating stuff. And to hear it from someone who has worked in the field for so long and literally knows the ins and outs of national security was a huge honor.

Now, as promised to my Godmother, Here is a short dictionary of British terms for you to all use at leisure:
  1. Proper: Good, Real, Right, Correct, true, Legitimate
  2. Trousers: Pants
  3. Pants: Underwear
  4. Flat: Apartment
  5. Quid: Bucks (Not as in buckeyes, as in a few bucks)
  6. Waistcoat: Vest
And the correct pronunciation of Edinburgh? Edin-bra. Like Hey braaaaa.

One last thing: I have the quirkiest philosophy professor ever. His name is Damien, he's Australian, and his suits are oversized and fantastic. They never match, and he can't say Tessa. He says Tesser. It's perfect!

More updates tomorrow. I promise Harry Potter Premiere Pictures, and many tales from our next formal (we're referring to it as the Yule Ball). Until then, in case you somehow missed the last 10 years of life, and haven't seen the first 7 movies/ read all of the books, here is a proper musical version.

More later, Love for now, Tess