Friday, July 1, 2011

The beginning

Hello all!

The trip has been absolutely incredible so far. A few things you're very quick to learn in London: Wi-fi is not free, Have a change purse, Mind the gap, and get lost on the tube at least once. The journey has been incredible so far, I've seen so many things I've only ever dreamed of.

Yesterday we journeyed downtown, and saw some of the protestors. They were camped out straight in front of parliament, and all protesting because of the unfair wages and policies. As a result, we couldn't see the houses of parliament yesterday (but we went today!). And at least 2 of us asked if someone knew the time... directly in front of Big Ben.

At the first pub we tried, we got denied, because they don't accept American lisences. Not to be dismayed, we pushed through, and got into a pub (ordering drinks legally!) How exciting. Also did a boat tour of the Thames river today, and saw the Shakespearean Globe.

Then today we took possibly my favorite part of the trip, we went to King's Cross and saw platfrom 9 and 3/4. The entire station is currently under construction, so as we wanderered around platforms 9 and 10, a Brit stopped us and asked "are you looking for platfrom nine and three-quarters." How typical Americans can we be?

Tonight eating dinner and going out, enjoying whats left of London before we head to Cambridge on Sunday...


  1. Hello lucky American girl! Enjoy the journey...and quite possibly the destination even more so. Glad to see that you are blogging your experience. Some of us have to live life vicariously through you. Be safe, be fun, be adventurous.

  2. Love Lisa Y's advice and the order it comes in safe, fun, adventure! So cool you are going to mass at Westminster Abbey, look for William Wilberforce's tomb if you can-say a prayer for me, he's my favorite Brit!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am enjoying every minute! And will continue to update so you all can live vicariously ;) Didn't end up going to Westminster Abbey tonight for mass, too much going on :( But, we'll be back in a few weeks!!
