Friday, August 26, 2011

Holiday in Spain

I'm going to keep this one short, because I have to get ready for my final Cambridge formal. Yesterday and the day before I spent in Barcelona, Spain. It was two of the most incredible days I have ever had.

Firstly, putting my Spanish to practice was amazing. It all came so naturally... much more so than I expected. I conversed with all of the waiters/hotel people, etc. in Spanish. As well as a few of the locals in random situations. I was pretty proud of myself, and didn't feel like too much of a gringo.

I loved everything about Barcelona. Let's just say that it is definetly a place I could see myself living. I fit right in with the culture (laid back, beach style) and the people and food are amazing. Also, a siesta is built into every single day... perfect for my everyday nap. There are too many things for me to say about Barcelona, so here are some of the hi-lights:

#1 La Mar: For those of you who don't know, Barcelona is situated on the northeast side of Spain, right on the coast. It borders the Mediterranean Sea. One of the most beautiful oceans I have ever seen! The water was as blue as could be... Seriously the kind of things you only see in magazines. Keith and I took a siesta on the beach, and it was amazing. I also went swimming in my dress... the fish in me just couldn't resist. It was absolutely beautiful. Also, it was my first experience with a European topless beach! Which is hysterical. There were also many, many beautiful Spanish men. Let's just say that we enjoyed the scenery... all of it. We went to the beach both days, because we just couldn't resist! We explored the whole area. It was amazing.

#2 La Sagrada Familia: In high school, we had a cultural unit in Spanish 4. We had to learn about all the different painters and architects in Spain for part of it. In this unit, we learned about Antoni Gaudi. Here is where the beauty of a study abroad experience intersects: I got to see a lot of Gaudi's architecture. Now, back during my senior year of high school, I couldn't have cared less about this Gaudi-guy and his buildings. Now? It took my breath away. We spent 2 hours looking at la Sagrada Familia. It is the most beautiful church I have ever been in. I will never, ever forget it. The architecture on the outside was gothic and beautiful, but then when you go inside, it opens up into a huge cathedral. Everything is light, and it's one of those places where you can truly feel God all around you. This was definitely a mountain-top experience for me.

#3 The City itself: I felt completely myself in Barcelona. I fit in so well with the people in the culture. Seriously, if I had a city (other than Cambridge) in Europe to describe me, it would be Barcelona. It's such an eclectic mix of beautiful culture, street art, parks, flowers, and beach. So it is absolutely perfect. The food, the people, all of it. I just absolutely loved loved loved Barcelona. Here are a few pictures of the city.

I'm finishing this blog on my last day in Cambridge. My next blog will be my last of the European adventure-- a summary of all I've learned, how I've grown and changed, and the overall experience. I'm really not prepared emotionally to reflect yet, because I'm not even prepared emotionally to leave. So to give myself more time to dwell in Cambridge-mindset, I'm going to write the last passage back in the States. xx.

More later, love for now, Tess

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